On 02/14/2011 10:02 AM, Yngve Inntjore Levinsen wrote:
> If you want everything linked statically I believe you can use the variable, 
> BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, something like
> OPTION( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Set to OFF to build static libraries"  OFF )
> I do believe it will still use dynamic libraries if static aren't available, 
> but I am unsure about that part.

No, BUILD_SHARED_LIBS decides whether the *project's* libraries which
have been declared without the STATIC/SHARED flag are built as static
or shared, but it has no influence which kind of *external* libraries
is picked up to link against.



> On Sunday 13 February 2011 12:08:58 AM Dominik Szczerba wrote:
>> Yes, full paths seem to work fine for me.
>> Many thanks for your feedback!
>> Dominik
>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Michael Hertling <mhertl...@online.de> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 02/12/2011 09:39 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>>> On 12.02.11 21:20:58, Dominik Szczerba wrote:
>>>>> I never actually saw a solution to this problem in cmake:
>>>>> I need to link (independent constraint from above) with libguide.a and
>>>>> not libguide.so (in intel compiler, does not matter much), but both
>>>>> are available, and cmake always takes the shared one when given
>>>>> "guide" as the desired library to be linked.
>>>>> Is there an elegant way of static linking (other than -static passed
>>>>> to the linker for static linking of everything) of this particular lib
>>>>> other than hacking (like deleting the .so from the folder)?
>>>> No, i.e. no elegant way. What you can do is force cmake to search only
>>>> for .a files by setting a cmake variable, unfortunately I don't remember
>>>> which one and can't easily find it right now. The archive of this list
>>>> has more info as well as the cmake manual or the FAQ on the cmake
>>>> website.
>>>> Andreas
>>> Hi Dominik,
>>> it's CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES; setting it to ".a" on *nix makes
>>> FIND_LIBRARY() search for static libraries only. It can be set to
>>> its original value at any time to restore the previous behaviour.
>>> However, if you know that you're looking exactly for libguide.a and
>>> have control over the FIND_LIBRARY() call, i.e. it's not buried in a
>>> find module or config file, you should follow Alexander's advice, use
>>> the library's full name in FIND_LIBRARY() and pass the latter's result
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael
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