On 03/10/2011 03:07 PM, Brad King wrote:
> On 03/10/2011 03:48 AM, Ilias Miroslav wrote:
>> By default, the current CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_EXECUTABLE consists of several 
>> variables:
> [snip]
>> selected variables only: "<LINK_FLAGS>  <OBJECTS>  -o <TARGET>  
> The <FLAGS> are in there because there are cases where the compiler front-end
> needs to know what compilation flags were used to produce the object files
> to adjust the flags and libraries it passes to the underlying linker.
>> The "-ffast-math"flag  works for compilation of fortran source codes,
>> but is unsuitable for g95-linking in this case.
> Perhaps this change should be extended for executables too:
>   http://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commitdiff;h=88bd3b52
> Then -ffast-math could be added to the forbidden flag list for linking.
> Meanwhile one can work around this problem by not putting -ffast-math
> in CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS.  Instead add it to each target that needs it
> using the COMPILE_FLAGS target property.

Alternatively, if you use the Makefile generators only, you might set
one of the RULE_LAUNCH_LINK properties to a script which removes the
-ffast-math flag from the linker command line, e.g.:

COMMAND=$1; shift
for i in $*; do
    [ "$i" != "-ffast-math" ] && COMMAND="$COMMAND $i"; shift

In this way, you can use each flag as ever and have the link process
intercepted right before linking takes place in order to remove any
incriminated parameters.


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