On 03/23/2011 05:26 PM, Chris Volpe ARA/SED wrote:
> Jc-
> Thanks for the suggestions, but it's not clear if your suggestions are 
> general suggestions, or if they actually address the problem I'm 
> experiencing. Moreover, the problems that your suggestions claim to solve 
> seem to be problems that I am not experiencing.


> Also:
> Moreover, in your example, it seems the command "LINK_DIRECTORIES" is 
> missing. Indeed, you should add the following command before calling 
> ADD_LIBRARY(FeatureViewer ...):
> What problem does "LINK_DIRECTORIES" solve? Note that I have no problem 
> building FeatureViewer: It finds the VTK libraries just fine without 
> LINK_DIRECTORIES. Again, the TestDriver application builds and runs just fine 
> if I manually remove the references to vtk*.lib in its project settings.

LINK_DIRECTORIES() can be subtly dangerous, see [1], so it should not
be used if it's avoidable. AFAICS, VTK uses imported targets for its
libraries, i.e. with full paths in the libraries' IMPORTED_LOCATION
properties, so there shouldn't be a need to use LINK_DIRECTORIES()
w.r.t. VTK.



[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/cmake@cmake.org/msg33519.html
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