2011/4/10 Christian Vander Jagt <chrisvanderj...@yahoo.com>:
> I'm using CMake 2.8,

You should something like 2.8.x, what is the x ?

>  I did not compile it, I got it from
> http://cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html,

Ok good, I bet you took the "Windows Installer".

>I guess plain windows vista,
> the compiler I'm using is MinGW, not sure if that's the same as the
> generator,

The "generator" is the name you chose after you've launched CMake
from a pristine build tree.

If you do not remember which one you chose the first time
try with a new build tree:

>i have probably about 20 CMakeLists.txt, which one do you want?

The upper level one or the first one which makes CMake fail.

By the way did you wrote those CMakeLists.txt or are you trying
to compile someone else sources?

Did you succeed  to compile those sources before with CMake?

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