
I am using the linux distribution gentoo.
After I tried to reinstall my qtcreator package and recreate my Qt
project by qtcreator I run in an empty project tree.
To make it more understandable:
I removed all qtcreator related files and load the CMakeLists.txt file
with qtcreator.
qtcreator is using cmake as backend.

But something seem to be changed.
It works with cmake-2.8.5-r2 (the -r2 means distribution specific stuff)
It works not with cmake-2.8.6-r1 (same here for -r1)

Who can I help you with further informations?
Have I to create a dummy project with some files and log cmake traces?
Or post a tar-ball of the source directory and the created build directory?

Or is the problem already known?

Thank you in advice,

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