I wrote

"I can't reorganize the source tree on the developers,
so I'm making do by putting the enclosing CMakeLists.txt next to all
the projects:
which is checked out to
It does
   add_subdirectory(../libfoo libfoo)
   add_subdirectory(../libbar libbar)
   add_subdirectory(../baz baz)
This has the possible advantage that one can have multiple
"top levels" (say, one for server code, and one for client).
I don't know how many shops suffer from this svn layout, but I'll probably
add an example covering it anyway for completeness once I'm sure
it doesn't explode in practice."

Right, well, I found out where it explodes in practice.  Here's an example:

The problem comes when using the cdt generator.  We can't use
since there are more than one source project, but the
source project that generates is really trivial, so I generate
one for each source directory myself with a bit of shell:

for dir in demo libsrc
    sed "s/PROJNAME/_$dir/" < ../skeleton.project > ../$dir/.project

before or after running cmake.

It all works great, the source projects all show up, the project builds...
BUT when you edit a source file and tell eclipse to rebuild, it just
sits there.  It doesn't know that the source projects are related to
the build project.

It looks like adding a link does the trick:

--- .project.old        2011-11-11 22:51:56.797674441 +0000
+++ .project    2011-11-11 22:52:25.380913484 +0000
@@ -113,5 +113,11 @@
+               <link>
+                       <name>[Source directory 2]</name>
+                       <type>2</type>
+               </link>

After I add those lines to the .project, saved changes in libsrc do seem
to cause a rebuild the next time you click "build project".

So, I guess to support this style of project, the cdt generator
should call cmExtraEclipseCDT4Generator::AppendLinkedResource()
once for each call in my outer CMakeLists.txt like
add_subdirectory(../libsrc libsrc).

I have no idea how to make that happen inside the cdt generator.  I could kludge
it in the shell script that runs cmake, but then it would break whenever
the project was updated and cmake rebuilt the project automatically.

Was /
related at all?
- Dan

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