I have a bit of Cmake code that I can not seem to figure out how to get to
actually run during cpack. HEre is the code:

                 "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.sh" @ONLY
  FILE(WRITE "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.cmake"
"execute_process(COMMAND \"/bin/bash
  FILE(APPEND "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.cmake"
"\n\nMESSAGE(STATUS \"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ THIS IS DONE @@@@@@@@@@@\")\n")

  INSTALL(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND \"/bin/bash
          COMPONENT Applications)
  install(SCRIPT "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.cmake"
COMPONENT Applications)

After I build I run "cpack" from the command line. I see _other_ scripts
that I have configured run but not _this_ script. I have verified that the
cmake code is actually executing as I get a new script file each time I run
cmake. I am sure I am missing something simple at this point but I just can
not see it.

This is on Linux Mint 17.x with CMake 3.1.0.

Thanks for any help
Mike Jackson                  mike.jack...@bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software                    www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio

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