2016-05-30 0:44 GMT+02:00 Thomas Teo <t....@acfr.usyd.edu.au>:
> Hi All,
> In building an RPM package, I'd like to set multiple (un)install scripts -
> an application specific one which starts services that are installed by the
> RPM, and also to call ldconfig so that the shared library list is updated.
> The CMake/CPack documentation states this is supported (eg
> https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/module/CPackRPM.html):
>    May be used to embed a pre (un)installation script in the spec file.
>    The refered (sic) script file*(s)* will be read...
>    (my emphasis)
> However the example doesn't indicate how one would specify multiple script
> files. I've tried several different methods:

This could never be done. As Andrew already mentioned you'll have to
merge them together yourself before feeding the path to CPackRPM.

> Looking at the CMake code in the referenced file (CPackRPM.cmake) it appears
> that it could never handle multiple script files as there is no iteration.
> Is it possible the documentation is in error and only one script for each
> type of action (pre/post, un/install) can be specified?

This is documentation error. It's probably best that the user merges
multiple scripts as appropriate so I'll fix it in the documentation.


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