For what it's worth, what I've done here is to create binary packages of each 
third-party library for each supported platform (i.e. .deb packages for Ubuntu, 
.rpm packages for RHEL/CentOS, Chocolatey packages for Windows).  Except for 
cases where the system already provided sufficient versions of some of the 
libraries.  At the bottom of the internal dependency chain is a base package 
which sets up the infrastructure (e.g. an /etc/profile.d file to add a shell 
function to add entries to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.) and at the 
top is a set of dependency metapackages, one for each product we have to build. 
 And yes, the middle layer has a combination of large packages like Qt and 
Boost with smaller packages like Expat and SQLite.

- Extremely convenient for an internal developer to just follow a few 
instructions to add our internal repository, then run "apt-get install 
- Similarly convenient for customers developing custom code on top of our code 
if we provide an archive of the required packages, then they can point 
apt/yum/chocolatey to a file: URL.
- It's not too difficult to support installing multiple parallel versions of 
the development environment for different versions of the product - just have 
each one install to a different location, and then the developer selects what 
to use by running the appropriate shell function.
- Greatly simplifies the CMake files for our code, since you just use the 
standard find_package() command (possibly requiring us to write a Find*.cmake 
- Flexibility of being able to easily experiment with a new or custom-compiled 
version of one of the dependencies.
- If an internal developer happens to prefer working on a platform which we 
don't officially support (e.g. Debian testing or Mint), it's generally easy to 
git clone my packaging repositories and build packages for yourself.

- Duplicate packaging work for each different packaging tool when adding a new 
third-party library.
- I haven't yet automated the process of building binary packages and uploading 
to our repository; so when updating any package to a new version (or adding a 
local patch) there's a lot of manual work to do.  (dupload and reprepro help a 
bit for the Ubuntu builds, and nuget has a built-in facility to upload to our 
server; but I haven't found anything similar for the RPM builds.)
- When we do a release and then need to "fork" the repository to a new 
location, it requires a rebuild of all packages at least on Linux.

Overall, most of the pluses apply to everybody, whereas the minuses are just a 
burden on me (or a future maintainer of the repository).  So overall, it's been 
a big improvement over what we used to do, which was to try to maintain binary 
builds of the third-party libraries in SVN.
Daniel Schepler

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