Hi,  In general, relative parameters of type PATH, like "lib" or 
"source/include" are resolved to an absolute path using current value 
of variables, like for instance: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} in case of command 
INSTALL(). This, however, does not work if I would like to use empty relative 
path (or not set it at all), so that the resulting absolute path was equal to 
${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} - cmake generator would complain about non existing 
DESTINATION, although there is no reason why it couldn't be resolved.    I 
know two workarounds to this issue, but the both have their flaws which prevent 
me from achieving my goal:  1. Use ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} as the DESTINATION 
value. This correctly resolved the path, but in case of INSTALL(EXPORT), paths 
in generated Target.cmake are absolute, which makes the package not 
relocatable.  2. Use '.' as the DESTINATION. This at least generates 
relative paths inside Target.cmake, but the paths are incorrect. '.' is 
apparently considered as a regular folder, and in the process of Target.cmake 
generation, when _IMPORT_PREFIX is determined, cmake strips one folder 
component too much:   # Compute the installation prefix relative to this file.  
get_filename_component(_IMPORT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)  
get_filename_component(_IMPORT "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}" PATH)   Do you know 
any other workaround? Do you think that lack of empty relative paths could be 
considered a bug?   Piotr

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