
On 10/3/18 6:08 PM, Tom Finegan via CMake wrote:
I'm trying to get rid of some local CMake scripting for building assembly
with nasm and yasm, but I'm running into a problem with the Xcode generator.

For the make and ninja generators, everything is fine-- nasm and yasm are
both working as expected.

The same is not true for Xcode. When building a target that includes
assembly files Xcode outputs the warnings like the following during its
"Check dependencies" step:

warning: no rule to process file <assembly file> of type sourcecode for
architecture x86_64

If the Xcode included nasm and the default Xcode flags are good enough for you you might get away with:

set_source_files_properties(${yasm_file} PROPERTIES
  XCODE_EXPLICIT_FILE_TYPE "sourcecode.nasm")

Otherwise I had to create a add_custom_command for every file and pointed to a shell script that based on all architectures found in ARCHS ran yasm and in the end called lipo to create the final fat .o file.

Hope that helps,

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