I want to build LLVM 10 so that I can see if having the same version of LLVM 
installed that my EMSDK version is using will help.  I want to do this so I can 
build the Qt Documentation as well when I build Qt for WebAssembly.  Building 
the Documentation requires LLVM and I want to avoid conflicts caused by having 
different versions of LLVM.

Anyway, the command I ran was:
"cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -Thost=x64 
-A x86 
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/std:c++17;/permissive-;/MT;/EHsc" ../llvm"

I put the error message I got in the .log file I'm attaching to this message.  
Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

Attachment: cmake_config.log
Description: cmake_config.log


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