>>>And what about the thousands of users working in the press area that
still work on Mac OS 9?

That is interesting...you mean Apple does not offer an easy upgrade path
for these people?  That sounds hard to believe.

Is this a hardware issue or a software issue?  Can you install OS X on a
machine that runs OS 9 easily? Or is this a big deal?

I hear you however...I was just wondering what people thought about a
non-Java solution...the response seems to be negative across the board.
That is also interesting.  I guess .NET is .HYPE at this point. 

I am still going to forge ahead and create a .NET WYSIWYG Editor.  Since
90% of my customers use Windows 98/XP/2000.  But that poor 10% needs a
WYSIWYG Editor.  I have MAC users and they are left out in the cold.  I
need a solution for them and I need it fast!


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