Check the documentation for QTMovie and you'll find the QTMovieDidEndNotification, which is posted upon completion of a movie's playback.

On Feb 25, 2008, at 5:21 AM, ali alavi wrote:

Hi everyone

I have a list of audio segments (specified by a file name and start time and duration). What I want to do is to go through that list and play each segment one after the other. I am using QTMovieView : play method to play audio segments. The problem is that 'play' method returns immediately and doesn't wait for audio segment to be played fully before returning. I assume that I have to use some sort of callback functions to let me know when playing a segment is finished, but I don't know exactly how to do this as I ma new to Mac OS programming and QuickTime as well. I appreciate if someone can point me to the right direction or some sample codes.



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