My app has a number of input fields that are used to change light settings, camera x/y/z position, etc for a 3D view window. ALL these fields are numeric, and don't need to handle non number characters (they need to handle 0-9, "+", "-", ".", and possibly "E" for scientific notation, although I'm not sure I need it.)

I have added the method control:textView:doCommandBySelector: to my window controller, so I can intercept the up/down arrow keys when a text field is the key field, and increment/decrement the field value.

My 3D view also has certain keystrokes that it handles. If the 3D view is the current first responder, the user can click "+" / "-" (with or without the shift key) to zoom in or out of the 3D view.

i would really like to have keystrokes that will zoom in or out of the 3D view regardless of what field on my window is the current first responder. I couldn't use the plus or minus keys for this, because some of my input values can be negative, and the user needs to be able to type in a sign value in those fields.

Right now, if one of the input fields is the first responder, the plus and minus keys go to that input field, changing the value of that field. It's confusing for the user.

I could easily change my zoom in/zoom out keystrokes to be the bracket keys ("[" "]" with or without shift), or some other set of keys that are only used by the 3D view, but I need a way to intercept them. Is there a clean way for me to catch certain keystrokes globally for the window, and pass them to my 3D view, while letting others go to the current firstResponder?

Duncan C

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