Coincidentally I just went through that same song and dance. With Spotlight becoming more and more important in OSX, it is surprising Apple has not provided a clean method to store arbitrary metadata with any kind of file. Maybe time for us all to file an enhancement request.

As others have mentioned, all currently available methods have drawbacks:

- resource fork: Antiquated, entire data has to be read and stored back to even change a flag, creeping feeling they might be dropped at some point, care has to be taken which tools are used to process the files so resource fork is not lost.

- xattrs: limited storage per attribute, tools may loose them.

- Other approaches like db, links, hidden files etc: Separation of file and metadata, no support by standard tools, synching is tricky.

Adobe attempted to solve the dilemma for graphic files by introducing XMP (, but it suffers from serious drawbacks:

- Not a generic solution
- Entire files have to be rewritten to modify metadata
- Adding the metadata in some file formats seems like a hack, and has limitations that are dependent on the file format
- Overly complicated and limiting storage schema
- SDK seems overly complicated (mildly speaking) and still lacking core functionality

Of course there are advantages to:

- Platform independent
- Metadata stays with files, no special knowledge required by file- handling tools, file systems or OS

But overall no clear winner. Only option is to analyse one's design goals, and pick the lesser of the evils.

In my opinion the best hypothetical solution would be if each file comes with a related directory that allows for storage of arbitrary metadata. However the hurdles of introducing something like that are enormous: All tools (simple tools like cp, complexer tools like tar, zip, rsync) would need to add support, and ways to make storage on alien file systems and efficient use through network file systems would have to be found.

With metadata becoming more and more important in daily use it would be great if a platform independent way of storing metadata would be devised. But I am not holding my breath. In the mean time we all muddle along with our individual solutions...

Another, though related, issue is that spotlight importers still can not be cascaded. Even just adding a few simple fields of metadata to an existing file format means one has to re-implement the importer for that format from scratch, no way of 'sub-classing' existing importers.

Gerd (filing an enhancement request next)


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