There is also

On May 22, 2008, at 10:29 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

There are quite a lot of open source Cocoa components these days — everything from small utility classes, to new controls, to entire frameworks — but no easy way to find them all. I keep running into various people's websites that list a handful of components, some of them extremely useful, and I'm sure there are more I haven't seen.

I don't know of any website that acts as a directory of these. If there really isn't one, maybe we should create one. It wouldn't necessarily need to be the whole "___Forge" deal, with source hosting and bug tracking and all, though that wouldn't hurt; the main thing is just to provide a way to register these projects and their descriptions, and then search the directory.

Anyone interested? (Or know of an existing site that I've overlooked?)



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