Appologise for shooting an incomplete email earlier!

There are a couple of other queries I have.

1. How to display the thumbnails in a PDFThumbnailView without their
corresponding labels?

2. On double clicking on a PDFPage in an document I want to change the color
of the page,eg. I double click on page 2 of an Doc ,the doc displays all
other pages in their original form except page 2 which is displayed let's
say in blue color.

Right now I have managed to turn all the pages of the Doc to blue and
reflect the change in their corresponding thumbnails.
I have modified the following method in my PDFPage Subclass
 - (void) drawWithBox: (PDFDisplayBox) box

The drawWithBox: contains some code like

          if (b_turnCurrnetPageBlue ) // set to TRUE in mouseDown method


// page is the current page.

                        //NSRect rect = [page boundsForBox:

                        NSRect rect = [self boundsForBox: box];

[[[NSColor blueColor]colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5]  set];



Now on double clicking on any page in my doc, the entire doc changes in
appearence.How do I identify a single page and apply these changes only to
the particular page ?

Thanks everyone for helping me out till this point.


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