On 22 May 2008, at 23:19, Scott Anguish wrote:

On May 22, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Julius Guzy wrote:

On 22 May 2008, at 4:55, David Casseres wrote:

That's a really good idea, your wiki-that's-more-than-a-wiki.

You're in charge!


Ha Ha

But just as a matter of interest, how would one set about talking to apple about such a thing? I would guess one would need first to demonstrate some kind of a consensus
and then thrash out a suitable format and mechanism within the group?

Developing the consensus externally (let alone the format and mechanism) would not likely work. I would think that sort of thing would need to be developed internally. (that said, Jon Hendry's followup is an excellent idea)

If you want to see something like this, you'd best best off to contact WWDR and let them know.
I agree about Jon Hendry's idea being good. It solves major problem of having to get an agreement from apple before being able to start. Also agree that something like a wiki (of whatever shape or form) based on the apple docs would be best done by themselves.

Personally I would feel unable personally to go asking anyone (WWDR) to start doing anything before I had taken the trouble to consider the problem to a greater extent than I have so far. My emails to this list concerning difficulties getting into the system were initially just expressions of solidarity with someone whose posting I came accross when starting to read this list for the first time.

I have done no analysis of what my learning problems were because I failed to keep a log. All I have to go on so far are vague memories of frustration with Interface Builder primarily but that is no basis upon which to specify an application. I have started to keep such a log now and would willingly contribute to any endeavour which aimed to make getting into the system easier than it had been for me.

I would be happy to collate a list of the types of difficulties people encountered if they were to send them to me. These would contribute to the analysis. It was this which was my primary motive for suggesting an FAQ approach because it would provide exactly this sort of information. The advantage of the FAQ over the manually compiled list would be that it does not rely on "impresions" of difficulties but actually documents them as they occur. So one question perhaps is how to adapt this FAQ to Jon's suggestion. But I am not wedded to the FAQ idea, it is simply that I think none of us has much time to contribute and therefore given the uncertainties of how effective any given approach might be, we would be wise to choose an approach both easy to implement and easy to modify as our understanding increases. With regard to analysis one could ofcourse do a sweep of the problems reported on this list but given that it takes me a long time to read through its daily output it is a task I would balk at tackling alone - I think even a team of ten would find it hard.


I may have difficulties replying to emails over next five weeks as i'm off to Poland without a laptop.


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