Let me correct some of the previous.

The bound rectangle of the view contains the visibleRect.

And argument was also the same as the visibleRect.

The matrix was on a clip view and the clip view was on a scrollview.

And the scrollview is usually hidden when the window where the scroll view is located opens. When user presses a button, the scroll view scrolls at the end of the view , then the scroll view becomes visible and it's supposed to show its cells.

However, the trouble happened as I mentioned in the last message.


On 2008/05/23, at 22:13, Norio wrote:


Sorry for the previous incomplete message.

By the way, what I want to know is:
What cases make visibleRect.origin to be NSZeroPoint?

Since my matrix view didn't draw its cells, I put a log code before and after its super view's drawRect to show the visible rectangle like following:

@interface MyMatrix : NSMatrix
@implement MyMatrix

[super drawRect:rect];


The former log (mynslog_1) showed its origin like 300,0, for instance, but latter (mynslog_2) did 0,0.

Actually the visibleRect was surely contained the bounds rectangle.

Would you tell me what cause it?

Any suggestion and comment would be very appreciated.



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