On May 22, 2008, at 9:21 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

KVO change notifications are sent and received on the same thread where the change is made.

Thanks! Yeah, that will definitely screw up my plans. Thanks for the heads up.

Ideally, a background thread should be given all of the data it needs to do its work at the beginning and it would work in isolation until its job is done and only then provide results in a lump to the main thread.

In my case, I am constantly looking for more data to be added to a file that is being written to by another process, then read the additional data, and potentially update some data structures. I wanted to put the code to check and process the file data in a separate thread, but I think I will just try an NSTimer for now.

Thanks again! I could have seen my efforts leading to a major headache as I tried to figure out why the Controller wasn't properly updating the GUI.



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