helo guys.
I wanted to use the PasteBoard to use for may drag'n drop table view,
and I wish to save a mutable array i the pastboard.
I wrote this but I get "null" back:

================= CODE =================

[pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSGeneralPboard] owner:self];

NSMutableArray *rowCopies = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [rowIndexes count]];
unsigned int currentIndex = [rowIndexes firstIndex];
while (currentIndex != NSNotFound){
[rowCopies addObject:[[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:currentIndex]];
        currentIndex = [rowIndexes indexGreaterThanIndex: currentIndex];

[pboard setPropertyList:rowCopies forType:NSGeneralPboard];

NSMutableArray *fly = [pboard propertyListForType:NSGeneralPboard];

================= CODE =================

any idea where I made a mistake?
and how can I make my "kind" of datas?
ive read a few tutorials without understand how exactly.


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