On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 5:58 PM, has <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sherm Pendley wrote:
>   I think Apple is interested in making Cocoa in general more
>> competitive, not just Objective-C. In fact, I suspect that their recent
>> increased interest in supporting scripting bridges for Cocoa may be at
>> least
>> partly motivated by a need to compete with .NET's multi-language CLR.
> Absolutely, and don't forget Apple's longstanding and ongoing lack of a
> credible mid-level language to compete with Visual Basic. Love it or hate
> it, a good chunk of the software development world rotates around VB.
> Bringing the Unixy scripting languages on-board would go a good way towards
> filling in that gap

We're getting there. What we have works, but speaking strictly for my own
project, I'm well aware that there's more to be done.

Perl's DBI database module, and drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite
are included with CamelBones, as well as a collection of Perl's
object-relational modules built around DBIx::Class. I can do a lot of things
with CamelBones for which I would use Access or VB on Windows - in my
opinion there's a lot of opportunity in that area as the Mac presence
increases in business.

Still, it's not as smooth as I would like it yet. CamelBones' KVC/KVO
support is limited to scalar types, and I would like to add indexed
accessors for Perl arrays. For now, we have to write the "old school"
methods by hand to provide rows of data for a table - lots of boring,
error-prone boilerplate. And there's an object mapping layer
(DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader) that generates Perl classes for database
tables - I'd like to extend it to generate classes that are exported to

> Also worth noting for those that aren't already aware of it that Laurent
> Sansonetti, the Apple engineer behind Leopard's Ruby support, has been
> working on a version of Ruby that runs directly on top of the ObjC runtime,
> obviating the need for bridging altogether:
>        http://ruby.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/MacRuby

That's a great idea, and I've been watching that project with interest.
Sadly, even though I've known C for nearly 20 years, looking inside perl.c
scares me nearly as much as the idea of writing a Perl parser from scratch.


Cocoa programming in Perl: http://camelbones.sourceforge.net

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