On 23 Sep 2016, at 00:07, Quincey Morris <quinceymor...@rivergatesoftware.com> 
> On Sep 22, 2016, at 15:45 , Gabriel Zachmann <z...@tu-clausthal.de> wrote:
>> Sure, but an observation method is what would be called a "callback" in 
>> plain C.
>> In C, I can have many different callbacks.
>> I don't see why that should not be possible in Obj-C - I just would need a 
>> mechanism to add tell the system the names / function pointers to be 
>> registered as observers.
> It is of course possible in Obj-C. There are APIs that have a “didEnd” 
> selector, such as (deprecated) ‘[NSApplication 
> beginSheet:modalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:]’. That’s 
> similar to the KVO notification method concept, except that you get to 
> specify a selector and a target object. Note, however, that such APIs tend to 
> have a context parameter, too**.
> But that’s because the KVO notification mechanism is a more ancient design 
> concept, where it likely seemed simple, adequate and flexible. I assume it 
> comes from NeXTStep days (late 80s or early 90s), not OS X 10.0 days (early 
> 2000s), although I don’t know for sure.

KVO is an OS X thing, introduced in 10.3.

Why it uses this approach rather than taking a selector is a good question.  I 
imagine it’s motivated by the desire to allow subclasses to override 
superclasses’ observation behaviour, and perhaps there might also be a 
performance argument (it *might* make it more likely that the 
-observeValueForKeyPath: method hits the method cache, and/or provide 
additional opportunities to use IMPs).

Kind regards,




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