> That number is 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, which is particularly recognizable and 
> happens to be the value of NSNotFound.
> I imagine that in the preceding line of code you called -indexOfObject: on an 
> array that didn't contain the object, but then failed to test the value 
> against NSNotFound before trying to fetch from that index.

Thanks a million!
Very interesting observation.
The fact that
  9223372036854775807 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
escaped me.
And, indeed, I do have a few indexOfObject's in my code, and luckily not that 

>> More precisely, is there a way I can determine the location in the code 
>> where the exception occurred?
> Do you have symbols for the particular build of the app that crashed? If so, 
> there ought to be some way to symbolicate the list of addresses in the "Stack 
> trace:" line of the log messages... although maybe not, without knowing the 
> base load address of the executable.

Problem is that its a screensaver (i.e., a .saver file).
I guess the base adress is always different, at least I have no idea what the 
base address might be.

> A full-on crash report, rather than log messages, would be a lot more useful.

Where would i find that crash report, given its a screensaver?
Just in case something like that happens again ...

Best regards, Gabriel

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