> On Feb 1, 2024, at 11:53, Gabriel Zachmann <z...@cs.uni-bremen.de> wrote:
> NSRegistrationDomain
> The domain consisting of a set of temporary defaults whose values can be set 
> by the application to ensure that searches will always be successful.

Yes. Remember that registered defaults DO NOT appear in the on-disk defaults. 
They’re only used in-memory in case you ask for a default that the user hasn’t 
actually set/changed.

> I noticed something rather curious: my screensaver continues to run, even 
> though I quit System Settings.
> But I can see messages from my screen saver appearing in the log even a long 
> time afterwards.
> Could that be related to me problem with the persistence of the settings?

That’s a new bug Apple gave us. I’ve reported it, but you should too so it gets 
some attention. I’ve changed to doing most of my “shut down” code in response 
to the screensaver stopped notification (not at a computer right now to say 
what it actually is) to work around that glaring bug. I’m guessing they forgot 
that people will still use normal screensavers and not just their new “It’s a 
desktop! It’s a screensaver! It’s both!” thing.

If you’re caching values from defaults in some variable/property of your 
screensaver view, it could be that the view never actually gets deallocated. 
I’d suggest adding LOTS of logging all over your code. Use something like a 
#define LOG(s) etc so you can turn it on and off with a compiler directive and 
not have to put in dozens of #ifs. Put them on each method entrance and exit, 
log display names, log user defaults, everything. Then you can filter on your 
screensaver’s name in Console, start the log in Console, then start your 
screensaver, stop it, stop logging, and see what’s going on.

Steve via iPad


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