Excerpts from Mark Thomas's message of Tue Sep 16 11:36:41 -0400 2008:
>   Was wondering if somebody could answer how thread safe NSXMLParser is, as
> I need to use it with NSURL set to remote server and the response could take
> a while, so this why I want to put off into another thread.

Instances of NSXMLParser can be safely used from any thread, but only by one
thread at a time. It would be acceptable to instantiate and remotely load the
data from a secondary thread in your app.

>   While I can see it can be used with a NSURL, is there a way I can do a
> HTTP POST with it when I pass it into a NSXMLParser ? As I want to parser
> the results which the server will send me.

You'll need to do the POST yourself and then pass the response as an NSData to


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