I am trying to create a custom sheet for my application.

The sheet is contained in a separate nib named "CalendarSheet", and
has a class called CalendarSheetController set as its File Owner. (The
class is below).

I open the sheet like so:

[calendarSheet showSheet:mainWindow];

Where mainWindow is defined as:

IBOutlet NSWindow *mainWindow;

(and is set up correctly).

This loads the nib, but displays it as a separate window, and not a
sheet. It doesnt have a title bar, but it is not attached to the
application window, and is not modal. In searching on google, I have
seen this reported a couple of times, but found no resolution.

I apologize if this is a super simple issue, but I am relatively new
to Cocoa, and am trying to get my head around the model.

Anyone see what I might be doing wrong? or any tips on what to check?

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface CalendarSheetController : NSWindowController
       IBOutlet NSWindow *sheet;

- (void)showSheet: (NSWindow *)window;

#import "CalendarSheetController.h"

@implementation CalendarSheetController

       if(![super init])
               return nil;

       return self;

       [super dealloc];

- (void)showSheet: (NSWindow *)window
   if (sheet == nil)
               [NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"CalendarSheet" owner: self];

   [NSApp beginSheet: sheet
          modalForWindow: window
               modalDelegate: self
          didEndSelector: @selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)
                 contextInfo: nil];



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