
I followed the excellent article 'Image Kit Programming Guide' at
and have my ImageBrowser working. I want to use it as the basis of an
image-uploader and would like to visualize the upload-progress by
removing the first image. I have connected a button to an IBAction and
can remove the images one by one.

- (IBAction)listImagesButtonClicked:(id)sender {
        NSUInteger n;
        NSArray *myArray;
        if ( [mImages count] > 0 ) {
                myArray = [mImages objectAtIndex:0];
                NSLog(@"%@", [myArray description]);
                [mImages removeObjectAtIndex:0];
                [mImageBrowser reloadData];
                n = [mImages count];
                [numberOfImagesOutputField setIntValue:n];
//              sleep(1);

[mImages removeObjectAtIndex:0] removes the first image and
[mImageBrowser reloadData] animates it.

I changed the 'if' to a 'while' but it doesn't animate removals one by
one but is waiting with [mImageBrowser reloadData] until all images
are removed (perhaps IBAction blocks it?) and remove all images at

How can I make the [mImageBrowser reloadData] refresh within the while-loop?


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.


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