On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Jeff Laing<jeff.la...@spatialinfo.com> wrote:
>> Because you have no idea what subclassers may do in their overrides of
>> the accessors
> Sort of invalidates the whole encapsulation promise of OO design, doesn't it?

No, it doesn't.  It would in fact violate the encapsulation principle
if your -dealloc method required your accessors to not rely on certain

>> (e.g. The subclassed accessor may rely on state that's
>> been torn down earlier in -dealloc).
> But any subclass that's going to override an accessor has had its dealloc 
> method called already, so it should know to have put back anything that 
> matters.  Now, if you want to design based on the assumption that everyone 
> else will do a crappy job, that's a different story.

So you're essentially saying everyone's derived accessors must check
if -dealloc has been called and avoid doing anything that might
interfere with super's implementation of -dealloc.  That doesn't seem

>> It's just not safe, unless you can guarantee that you own the entire
>> inheritance chain.
> Someone more knowledgeable than me should bring up the discussion about using 
> the need to use the 'view' set-accessor in dealloc of subclassed view 
> controllers, I think it was.

Don't see what the issue is here.  As long as -[NSViewController
dealloc] doesn't rely on -view -- and it's this independence that
we're discussing here -- then you can use it just fine (as long as you
do it before calling super's implementation of -dealloc, otherwise all
bets are off).

--Kyle Sluder

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