Sorry - missed an important bit of info - this applies for a view that is in 
the toolbar. So far as I am aware, it doesn't apply to views in your main 
window (at least my views in my main window still appear to always return the 
right thing).
On 29/07/2011, at 12:38 PM, Gideon King wrote:

> I just came across a bit of an issue with the full screen mode in Lion: if 
> you have a view and use [[self window] windowController] to get at your 
> window controller, it will return nil in full screen mode. The window gets 
> swapped out with an NSToolbarFullScreenWindow, which doesn't have a window 
> controller set. I haven't checked but assume this will also apply to things 
> like delegates etc too. And if you were relying on something in a custom 
> NSWindow subclass, that would be gone...
> I have found that [[NSApp mainWindow] windowController] returns the right 
> thing, which is sufficient for my needs at the moment, seeing as it's UI 
> level and working on the current document.
> I don't know whether there are any other issues with the full window but I 
> thought it would be interesting to bring up this issue for discussion in case 
> there are further implications.
> Regards
> Gideon


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