Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

> Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
>> Steven Noels wrote:
>>> *All* instances? Hm. Wouldn't that be troublesome to read? Reminds 
>>> me of Wiki webs where people where triggerhappy with hyperreferences.
>>> A thesaurus of some sorts, easily reachable from each page, might 
>>> perhaps already be enough.
>>> </Steven>
>> Here is my first entry :-)
> Please resubmit, the xml is not well formed ;-PPP

Perhaps we could work on a resubmission tool that would simulate me 
smacking you as I fix the tag and resend it
Lets identify the Avalon components.

NicolaKenSmacker (extends Smacker which extends AbstractSmacker which 
extends ViolentResponse which extends AbstractViolentResponse which 
extends ActionResponse which extends AbstractActionResponse which 
extends Response which extends Component)

TagFixer (...see above...kinda like that only supports the TagInterface)

SarcasticMailAction...  ;-)



>> <glossary>
>>   <entry>
>>       <phrase>Cocoon Syndrome</phrase>
>>        <meaning>The tendancy whenever anything regarding 
>> documentation to focus on a tool for doing the documentation function
>>                         than actually producing content.  Generally 
>> resulting in long threads with good ideas that will probably never be
>>                         implemented, however no actual documentation. 
>> It is preferrable for these ideas to require far more effort than they
>>                         would actually save.         </menaing>
>                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>    </entry>
>> </glossary>

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