Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> As Michael Gerzabek and I are the committers of this patch some words:
> Yes, we are already using it successfully at some of our customers :-)


> There remains only one problem:
> -------------------------------
> In order to build our sources, JCo.jar (SAP Java Connector) is absolutly 
> necessary. As JCo.jar is copyright-protected by SAP I can only offer 
> following 'workaround':
> - case1: JCo.jar is not available
>   --> during the build of Cocoon our prebuild web3-core.jar is taken
>       and the source files are ignored
> - case2: JCo.jar is available
>   --> during the build of Cocoon our prebuild web3-core.jar is ignored
>       and the source files are compiled
> What do you think? Is it an acceptable solution?
I suggest to follow the procedure all other optional components use:
- There is no prebuild jar
- The build system checks, if the required jar (JCo.jar) is available.
  Only if this is the case, the source is compiled

This is done for many components, for example the xmldb stuff or
batik etc.

If you need any help here, I can setup the build system for you.

> Regards,
> Reinhard
> PS: We improved some of the classes. If you like to include the 
> connectivity-tool (web3-core) we will provide the new patch.
Sounds good! Yes, a new patch would be good, perhaps together
with the above mentioned changes ? ;)


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