
I wanted to check with the list before posting the following as a bug:

I'm using the following construct in an XSP to read the select-list values
from a database. 

    <xsp-util:include-uri href="cocoon:/query/all/id_lookup.options"/>

The sitemap fragment handling this does the following:

  <map:match pattern="query/**/*.options">
    <map:generate type="query"/>
    <map:transform type="xslt"
    <map:serialize type="xml"/>

where the query generator issues a query to the database (Oracle 9i) and
returns the results as XML.

The observation is that the first time (after the server [WebLogic 7] is
started, an exception is thrown (attached) and Xalan appears to keep a
background thread running consuming 100% CPU - obviously not good. The
strange thing is that if the query is accessed directly (issuing
http://.../id_lookup.options) directly in the browser, then the results are
returned immediately, and also accessing the pages that contain
<xsp-util:include-uri/> work as expected.

has anyone come across something similar (preferrably with a solution) or is
there anything else that I can do?

Thanks in advance,

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Attachment: include-uri.stacktrace
Description: Binary data

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