Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Marc Portier wrote, On 28/05/2003 8.38:

Miles Elam wrote:


What is the purpose of resources if this new syntax goes into effect (which I like by the way)? What can a resource do that an overloaded pipeline element cannot?

I think as Stefano said (slightly rephrased): it would deprecate the use of resources that are only fragments of pipelines.

Then we are basically killing resources, as complete pipelines can already be used instead of resources.

wow, this statement really got me thinking like I missed something completely (could very well still be the case)

sudden insight (uh, heavily helped by colleagues) makes me think you refer to the use of the generate/@src="cocoon://..." pseudo-protocol and thus refer to (possible internal-only) pipelines to be matched by the sitemap

hmmm, the difference would be in the mechanism to pass named arguments to the pipe: as a map (the current resource way) or as detectable positions in a URI?

unclear to me what is the best though, and how/if we could/should then also make the interface to using these newly proposed overloaded pipeline elements the same (ie URI based rather then Map transfer based)

any arguments either way out there?


Is this more then an issue of naming this concept?

I mean, if we make use of resources as callable full or partial sitemap
snippets, what would we loose that we instead get from using this new concept?

we already have what you mention, the question is what could we win with this new idea:

+ increased and inherit readibility of the sitemap (ie. better then complying to the tips in the wiki-doco)

+ possibility to stronger typecheck (ie generate errors or warnings) the defined resources (pipeline elements) as being of the fragment-type (G,T or S) they are intended to be

and refering to my sudden idea of having a separate 'process' describing section:
+ clearer distinction (although not enforced cause of backwards compat I guess) between decision logic and config logic inside the sitemap
+ more logic stepup / positioning / transition to flow ?

-marc= -- Marc Portier Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center Read my weblog at [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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