Hi friends,

The following items reflect the discussions Stefano and I have had around the FOM:

- The load(uri) global function should be supported. This is clearly needed for nested source file inclusion (which <map:script> does not support).

- The cocoon.releaseComponent(component) method should be supported in conjunction with cocoon.getComponent(id). Further discussion is needed about whether the FOM implementation should automatically take care of releasing components.

- There should be unrestricted access to all components via cocoon.getComponent(id). Among other goodies, this will give indirect access to Actions and Modules without providing explicit FOM support for them. Access to request input modules, in particular, should account for request.getURI().

- Access to continuation objects should be provided.
var kont = sendPageAndWait(uri, data)
This is deemed necessary as certain continuation usage patterns may call for explicit, programmatic invalidation of continuations.
- Properties
- id
- Methods
- getParent()
- getChildren()
- invalidate()
- Events
- onExpiration()

What do you guys think?


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