Peter -- that part about the Cruise-women is hilarious!  I
think it's sad that folks were able to think of more than two!

I'd want my filespace on "Arsenal."

Thanks for your response - much appreciated!


---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:24:54 -0700
>From: "Binkley, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Server names at libraries
>When I got my first chance to name the first two servers for
a project,
>I went with "fides" and "spes" ("faith" and "hope"), so that
if we ever
>got a third one it would be charity. By the time the project
got any
>more boxes someone else was in charge of naming,
unfortunately. We have
>also fallen into the trap of naming servers after products,
but we're
>getting away from that. Back in the mid-nineties if you
searched for my
>name in Lycos you found endless postings from a machine named
>at McGill, no doubt inspired by the Bloom County character -
the curse
>of all true Binkleys. We also had a period of naming boxes after
>deceased or retired colleagues, but that got tired. When we were
>recently planning the deployment of several new servers in a
>upgrade, I was late to the meeting and was puzzled at the
names on the
>whiteboard: all women's first names, but I couldn't see a
pattern. I'll
>never forget the shudder of horror when it was revealed they
were all
>women who have dated Tom Cruise. A couple of us quietly
indicated that
>we would be forced to resign rather than work with such a
tacky system,
>and we went with British football clubs instead.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of
>Jody Fagan
>Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 1:39 PM
>Subject: [CODE4LIB] Server names at libraries
>Dear Code4Lib folks,
>I'd like to write an anecdotal article about library server
>... I'm for-sure that most librarians don't even know our
servers have
>names. I am hoping that some of you might be willing to share
>server names you have known in libraries, how/why you chose
them, and
>any random thoughts you have about them. Did you inherit
them? Did you
>get to pick them out? Do you think the whole idea of server
names is
>silly or do you secretly like the fact that your servers have
>I am happy to guarantee anonymity (that is, I won't use your
name or
>institution in conjunction with any server names) unless you
>specifically want to be identified or given credit for your
>I plan on sharing my institution's server names in my
article, but not
>say where they are from....
>thanks for considering this,
>Jody Condit Fagan
>Digital Services Librarian, James Madison University
>"Machine. Unexpectedly, I'd invented a time" -- Alan Moore

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