I think TRAC definitely fits this description. It is pretty customizable, so you can adjust categories to your liking. (This requires a command-line tool.) I would advise having a separate TRAC for each big project, so that features like the timeline and roadmap don't become meaningless.

I've also seen JIRA used to good effect. It is commercial software, but has an open API and is free for open source projects.


Greg Jansen
Digital Repository Developer
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

On 2/10/2010 6:59 PM, Walker, David wrote:
Can anyone here recommend an open source system for "change management"?

Not version control, per se.  But the process of requesting, reviewing, and 
approving changes to production systems.

Does Trac fit into this category?


David Walker
Library Web Services Manager
California State University

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