On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Walker, David <dwal...@calstate.edu> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who responded.  The comments have been very helpful!
> Is anyone using RT? [1]

We (ibiblio.org) do, but we use it for incident response--it's a help
queue. Our "change management system" is a collection of tools,
including but not limited to an internal MediaWiki where upgrades and
other changes are planned and documented, a TRAC instance where some
code is managed, the RT system, an announce-only mailman list
(ibiblio-announce) and a repository/management server with a lot of
Perl glue that predates projects like puppet
(http://reductivelabs.com/products/puppet/), which is what I would use
today if we were re-implementing our repository/management server.

Cristóbal M. Palmer
ibiblio.org systems
cdla.unc.edu research assistant

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