I haven't tried it on a wiki, but the command-line Unix utility wget can be
used to mirror a website.


I usually call it like this:

wget -m -p http://www.site.com/

common flags:
   -m = mirroring on/off
   -p = page_requisites on/off
   -c = continue - when download is interrupted
   -l5 = reclevel - Recursion level (depth) default = 5

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Carol Hassler

> My organization would like to archive/export our internal wiki in some
> kind of end-user friendly format. The concept is to copy the wiki
> contents annually to a format that can be used on any standard computer
> in case of an emergency (i.e. saved as an HTML web-style archive, saved
> as PDF files, saved as Word files).
> Another way to put it is that we are looking for a way to export the
> contents of the wiki into a printer-friendly format - to a document that
> maintains some organization and formatting and can be used on any
> standard computer.
> Is anybody aware of a tool out there that would allow for this sort of
> automated, multi-page export? Our wiki is large and we would prefer not
> to do this type of backup one page at a time. We are using JSPwiki, but
> I'm open to any option you think might work. Could any of the web
> harvesting products be adapted to do the job? Has anyone else backed up
> a wiki to an alternate format?
> Thanks!
> Carol Hassler
> Webmaster / Cataloger
> Wisconsin State Law Library
> (608) 261-7558
> http://wilawlibrary.gov/

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