As I mentioned in the other thread, I will get with Ryan on updating
our Drupal instance.


On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Ross Singer <> wrote:
> Shaun, I think you missed my point.
> Our Drupal (and per Tom's reply, Wordpress -- ...and I'm going to take a stab 
> in the dark and throw MediaWiki instance into the pile) is, for all intents 
> and purposes, unmaintained because we have no in charge of maintaining it.  
> Oregon State hosts it, but that's it.
> Every year, every year, somebody proposes we ditch the diebold-o-tron for 
> "something else" (Drupal modules, mediawiki plugins, OCS, ... and most 
> recently Easy Chair), yet nobody has ever bothered to do anything besides 
> send an email of what we should use instead.  Because that requires work and 
> commitment.
> What I'm saying is, we don't have any central organization, and thus we have 
> no real sustainable way to implement locally hosted services.  The Drupal 
> instance, the diebold-o-tron (and maybe Mediawiki) are legacies from when 
> several of us ran a shared server in a colocation facility.  We had skin in 
> the game.  And then our server got hacked because Drupal was unpatched (which 
> sucked) and we realized we probably needed to take this a little more 
> seriously.
> The problem was, though, when we moved to OSU for our hosting, we lost any 
> power to do anything for ourselves and since we no longer had to (nor could) 
> maintain anything, all impetus to do so was lost.
> To be clear, when we ran all these services on anvil, that wasn't sustainable 
> either!  We simply don't have the the organization or resources to 
> effectively run this stuff by ourselves.  That's why I'm really not 
> interested in hearing about some x we can run for y if it's not backed up 
> with "and my organization which has shown commitment through z will take on 
> the task of doing all the work on this".
> -Ross.
> On Dec 4, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Shaun Ellis <> wrote:
>> Tom, can you post the plugin to Code4Lib's github so we can have a crack at 
>> it?
>> Ross, I'm not sure how many folks on this list were aware of the Drupal 
>> upgrade troubles.  Regardless, I don't think it's constructive to put new 
>> ideas on halt until it gets done.  Not everyone's a Drupal developer, but 
>> they could contribute in other ways.
>> -Shaun
>> On 12/4/12 10:27 AM, Tom Keays wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Ross Singer <> wrote:
>>>> Seriously, folks, if we can't even figure out how to upgrade our Drupal
>>>> instance to a version that was released this decade, we shouldn't be
>>>> discussing *new* implementations of *anything* that we have to host
>>>> ourselves.
>>> Not being one to waste a perfectly good segue...
>>> The Code4Lib Journal runs on WordPress. This was a decision made by the
>>> editorial board at the time (2007) and by and large it was a good one. Over
>>> time, one of the board members offered his technical expertise to build a
>>> few custom plugins that would streamline the workflow for publishing the
>>> journal. Out of the "box", WordPress is designed to publish a string of
>>> individual articles, but we wanted to publish issues in a more traditional
>>> model, with all the issues published at one time and arranged in the issue
>>> is a specific order. We could (and have done) all this manually, but having
>>> the plugin has been a real boon for us.
>>> The Issue Manager plugin that he wrote provided the mechanism for:
>>> a) preventing articles from being published prematurely,
>>> b) identifying and arranging a set of final (pending) articles into an
>>> issue, and
>>> c) publishing that issue at the desired time.
>>> That person is no longer on the Journal editorial board and upkeep of the
>>> plugin has not been maintained since he left. We're now several
>>> WordPress releases
>>> behind, mainly because we delayed upgrading until we could test if doing so
>>> would break the plugins. We have now tested, and it did. I won't bore you
>>> with the details, but if we want to continue using the plugin to manage our
>>> workflow, we need help.
>>> Is there anybody out there with experience writing WordPress plugins that
>>> would be willing to work with me to diagnose what has changed in the
>>> WordPress codex that is causing the problems and maybe help me understand
>>> how to prevent this from happening again with future releases?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tom Keays /
>> --
>> Shaun D. Ellis
>> Digital Library Interface Developer
>> Firestone Library, Princeton University
>> voice: 609.258.1698 |

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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