jQuery 2.x will support IE 9+ . Jonathan is correct that 1.x will continue
to support IE 6+ and there are techniques to deliver the older version of
jQuery to older browsers if the developer deems it necessary.


However, I think Michael is in good company in thinking the time has come
to cut (or at least reduce) support for older versions of IE. I've heard
several top notch web developers talking on various podcasts (no, I'm not
going to cite them) about starting with responsive web approach that that
delivers what would essentially be the mobile view of the page, albeit with
less functionality, to these browsers. The full desktop view goes only to
modern browsers. It doesn't cut off those communities that are bound for
whatever reason to use IE 6 or 7. It just gives them a different

My 2c.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu>wrote:

> On 2/19/2013 10:22 AM, Michael Schofield wrote:
>> Now that Google, jQuery, and others will soon drop support for IE8 -
>> its time to politely join-in and make luddite patrons aware. IMHO,
>> anyway.
> I would like a cite for this. I think you are mis-informed. It is a
> misconception that JQuery is dropping support for IE8 anytime soon. And I'm
> not sure what you mean about 'Google' dropping support for IE8.

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