Have you seen Ross' post: http://dilettantes.code4lib.org/blog/2010/09/a-proposal-to-serialize-marc-in-json/ ?

pymarc can get you this json, e.g.:

records = pymrx.parse_xml_to_array('/path/to/some/marc.xml')

json_file = [record.as_json() for record in records]


or, for that matter, if you happen to be using Mongo's Python API, you /may/ be able to call `as_dict()` when you store the record:


It looks like ruby-marc does something similar, and presumably the Mongo API for Ruby uses Ruby hashes the way that the Python API uses dicts, so a similar approach is probably possible in Ruby.

As for "...an efficient way so as to get results with the appropriate queries." I guess that all depends on what you're trying to do.


Jon Stroop
Digital Initiatives Programmer/Analyst
Princeton University Library

On 07/05/2013 05:47 AM, dasos ili wrote:
Could you please give us any suggestions on a data model example regarding a 
MARC record? The goal is to be able to store it in mongodb, in an efficient way 
so as to get results with the appropriate queries.

thank you in advance

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