How can I write an RDF serialization enabling me to express the fact that the 
United States Declaration Of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and 
Thomas Jefferson was a male? (And thus asserting that the Declaration of 
Independence was written by a male.)

Suppose I have the following assertion:

    xmlns:dc=""; >

    <!-- the Declaration Of Independence was authored by Thomas Jefferson -->


Suppose I have a second assertion:


    <!-- Thomas Jefferson was a male -->


Now suppose a cool Linked Data robot came along and harvested my RDF/XML. 
Moreover lets assume the robot could make the logical conclusion that the 
Declaration was written by a male. How might the robot express this fact in 
RDF/XML? The following is my first attempt at such an expression, but the 
resulting graph (attached) doesn't seem to visually express what I really want:




Am I doing something wrong? How might you encode such the following expression 
— The Declaration Of Independence was authored by Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas 
Jefferson was a male. And therefore, the Declaration Of Independence was 
authored by a male named Thomas Jefferson? Maybe RDF can not express this fact 
because it requires two predicates in a single expression, and this the 
expression would not be a triple but rather a “quadrile" — object, predicate 
#1, subject/object, predicate #2, and subject?

Eric Morgan


<<inline: graph.png>>

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