On Dec 1, 2013 6:42 PM, "Joe Hourcle" <onei...@grace.nascom.nasa.gov> wrote:

> So that you don't screw up web proxies, you have to specify the 'Vary'
header to tell which parameters you consider significant so that it knows
what is or isn't cacheable.

I believe that if a Vary isn't specified, and the content is not marked as
non cachable,  a cache must assume Vary:*, but I might be misremembering.

> (who has been managing web servers since HTTP/0.9, and gets annoyed when
I have to explain to our security folks each year  why I don't reject
pre-HTTP/1.1 requests or follow the rest of  the CIS benchmark
recommendations that cause our web services to fail horribly)

Old school represent (0.9 could out perform 1.0 if the request headers were
more than 1 MTU or the first line was sent in a separate packet with nagle
enabled). [Accept was a major cause of header bloat].

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