
Good for you! I would find this more useful than about 99.2% of the offerings at ALA. If I were to attend the conference, I would definitely be there. In fact, Las Vegas is close enough that I will think about coming just for this.


On 4/11/14, 5:00 PM, Tim Spalding wrote:
For fun I'm throwing a day-long, almost-free introduction to PHP session
alongside the pre-conference day at ALA Annual.

It's called "Enough PHP To Be Dangerous," and will be held Friday, June 27,
2014 a few blocks from the Convention Center.

Blog post is here:

It's for people who don't know much about programming. So, it's NOT FOR
YOU. You'd be bored! But you might want to tell a colleague. And if you're
interested in helping out, it would be great having another person or two
helping attendees figure out why their script won't run.

I'm doing it for fun and because I can. Conferences are ridiculously
expensive to exhibit at, so why not do a little more with it? For
simplicity's sake, I didn't hook up with LITA or anyone else; I just rented
a room and contracted for coffee and sandwiches.

If you're interested in going, or helping out, read the blog post and email


Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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