I'm good with shameless plugs, I was hoping for some to see what awesome
stuff people are working on. This does look pretty cool. Just skimming it
on the train home I really appreciate the responsiveness. I could see where
you could cross walk the bibliographic metadata without much trouble. The
content metadata would harder, though find some folks who want to work with
TEI and you might have some fun with it. Thanks for sharing.
On Feb 27, 2016 5:14 PM, "Gregory Murray" <gpmurra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Matt,
> Please have a look at the Theological Commons at Princeton Seminary:
> http://commons.ptsem.edu/
> It's responsive. Unfortunately we don't have OAI-PMH set up (someday).
> Currently the only "API" is that if you take a URL like
> http://commons.ptsem.edu/id/... and replace "id" with "xml" you get the
> underlying XML document (which is a home-grown schema, not a standard
> library one, embarrassingly).
> (End of shameless plug.)
> Thanks,
> Greg
> Gregory Murray
> Director of Academic Technology and Digital Scholarship Services
> Princeton Theological Seminary Library
> gregory.mur...@ptsem.edu
> On 2/27/16, 4:26 PM, "Code for Libraries on behalf of Matt Sherman"
> <CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU on behalf of matt.r.sher...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am asking about interesting digital collection tech due to some personal
> >research I am doing.  I have looked a bunch of digital collection sites
> >lately and outside of NYPL <http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/>, I have
> >mostly seen bland, non-responsive but functional CONTENTdm sites or old
> >late 90s early 2000s static HTML exhibit sites.  Given the kind of web
> >tools and UX methods we have now I am curious if people can point me to,
> >or
> >tell me about, more interesting user friendly designs/systems?  I see talk
> >of responsive design and data interoperability via OAI-PMH and APIs, but I
> >must be looking in the wrong places as I am seeing very little evidence of
> >it being put into action.  If anyone can point me to more interesting
> >pastures I would appreciate it.
> >
> >Matt Sherman

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