Hi Jennifer:

On Tue, 22 Mar 2016 at 20:44 Jennifer DeJonghe <
jennifer.dejon...@metrostate.edu> wrote:

> I'm looking for examples of library web sites or university web sites that
> are using Structured Data / schema.org to mark up books, locations,
> events, etc, on their public web sites or blogs. I'm NOT really looking for
> huge linked data projects where large record sets are marked up, but more
> simple SEO practices for displaying rich snippets in search engine results.

I'm looking for those kinds of sites too, although my scope is specifically
Canadian. To that end, I kicked off the DIALLED (Distributed Index of All*
Library Location and Event Data--yeah lame) project last year (at
https://dialled.ca/) which parses all of the known Canadian library &
archives home pages to extract whatever linked open data it can find. I
then offer a dump of the corresponding data in Turtle format.

This presentation (https://dialled.ca/ola2016/
<https://dialled.ca/ola2016/#/> - press "s" to see the speaker notes which
help it make a bit more sense out of context) from January 29, 2016
summarizes what I found in the initial crawl. I plan to continue
periodically crawling and adding/extending the list of known library &
archives pages so that we can track the state of adoption of linked open
data of various kinds on the Canadian scene, at least.

I should also note that any Evergreen, Koha, or VuFind library system
instance offers schema.org markup in RDFa out of the box, although
customizations may remove or mangle that. For example,
https://laurentian.concat.ca/eg/opac/record/729926 is an example from our
relatively old (3 releases behind) instance of Evergreen.

Hope this helps,
Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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