On May 12, 2016, at 8:30 AM, Eric Lease Morgan <emor...@nd.edu> wrote:

>> Alas, the Code4Lib mailing list software will most likely need to be 
>> migrated before the end of summer, and I’m proposing a number possible 
>> options for the lists continued existence...
> Our list — Code4Lib — will be migrating to the Digital Library Federation 
> (DLF) sometime in the near future. 

This is a gentle reminder that the Code4Lib mailing list will be migrating to a 
different address sometime in the very near future. Specifically, it will be 
migrating to the Digital Library Federation. I suspect this work will be 
finished in less than thirty days, and when I know the exact address of the new 
list, I will share it here.

Thanks go to the DLF in general, and specifically Wayne Graham and Bethany 
Nowviskie for enabling this to happen. “Thanks!”

Eric Lease Morgan

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