Hi all. I'm struggling a bit to figure this out and wondering if anyone had 
any  pointers.

   I'm using SequenceFiles as output from a MapReduce job ( using 
SequenceFileOutputFormat ) and then in a followup MapReduce job reading in the 
results using SequenceFileInputFormat.  All seems to work fine.  What I haven't 
figured out is how to write the SequenceFile.Metadata in the 
SequenceFileOutputFormat and then read the metadata in SequenceFileInputFormat. 
 Is that possible to do using the new mapreduce.* API?

   I have two types of files I want to process in the Mapper.  Currently I'm 
using the  context.getInputSplit() and parsing the resulting 
fileSplit.getPath() to determine what file I'm processing.  It seems cleaner to 
use the SequenceFile.Metadata if I can.  Does that make sense or am I off in 
the weeds?



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